I’m on a short vacation by the sea after finishing another literary project and decided to travel around my beautiful province to get some fresh air. Something exciting and miraculous happened a few days ago that I just had to share here with you. As you may know from listening to my YouTube channel, I’m super passionate about sharing and talking about the synchronicities that the Universe delivers to us. God, our guides and our Higher Selves are always in the house, the car, and in the smallest of details. The divine Source is always trying to get our attention and to help us in all circumstances if we remain open to the signs.
This one really tops the charts.
I was on my way to find the local supermarket in the village when I took a “wrong” turn. I was looking for a place to do a U-turn when I heard a strange noise and saw smoke coming from the front of the car. I immediately pulled over in front of what looked like a small farm and warehouse. Thankfully, it was only a flat tire.
A kind employee quickly came out of his office and asked if he could help. He was kind and offered to call the local car garage as I had forgotten my cell phone where I was staying, something I rarely do. I guess my soul was ready to fully place its trust in the Divine.

Since it was cold out, he asked if I wanted to go inside the office to warm up. I followed him inside and took a seat. I did not feel any resentment or frustration at all, but rather a deep sense of peace came over me. Then it hit me. There was a reason for this occurrence. This wasn’t random at all. As a matter of fact, I immediately asked him about the products they sold. Fresh seaweed and algae powder that is sold all over the world. I remembered that chlorella powder is made from algae and that it helps with detoxing the body of harmful toxins, something I have struggled with recently in my own life. What this the miracle I had been searching for in the last few years?
He also mentioned that he had suffered a serious back injury and that he knew of a talented acupuncturist in the region that had helped him tremendously. Finally, he said he had started drinking chaga tea in the morning, and it greatly improved his health.
So within seconds, I was totally psyched! What I initially thought was a disaster was a god send, literally.
As soon as the garage attendant finished replacing the tire, I went home to my phone and made an appointment to visit the acupuncturist (he immediately picked up the phone —another great sign!), I picked up some chaga mushroom powder at the local health food shop, and ordered some algae powder from the person who came to my rescue. Then he next day…I met his boss! I man filled with kindness, insight about my health challenges and who had clairvoyance. He told me things about my life, my dreams, and my future. My entire life, I have been surrounded by psychics, so this was pretty incredible!
After only a few days of taking these magical potions, I’m already feeling so much better, calmer, and most of all grateful to be cared for by such benevolent Universe.
A few days prior to this encounter I had come across the book The Celestine Prophesies in my hotel room where I was staying. It teaches us that there are no coincidences and that every person on our path has a lesson and a gift. Nothing is random. So….we must accept all invitations and chance encounters.
To top it all off, a friend suggested I watch the film The Shift with Dr. Wayne Dyer. So last night I watched it on YouTube and had tears of joy running down my face as I was watching it. He spoke about these synchronicities and I soaked it all up. It was like a giant confirmation that I’m surfing with spirit.
My take-away from the documentary? Trust in the journey, surrender to the magic and water the roses of your life. Oh, and did I mention that I had asked my spirit guides for a synchcronicity before I left the house on that fateful morning? Be careful what you wish for….You will get it!

Here is a link to the documentary. You won’t regret watching it!