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Trying to manifest something ( or someone?) Let go of the how…

You must let go of the “how.”   The what? The way your desire or manifestation will come to you…as most of the time, the Universal source has great things in mind for us, bigger and better things that we could conceive or dream for ourselves. I know, I know.  That sounds close to impossible, to let go of “how” things will show up, but the truth is that it is necessary,  especially  for some of us who try to “control” the outcomes in all aspects of their lives.  But here’s the rub:

You must let go of the “how.”   The what? The way your desire or manifestation will come to you…as most of the time, the Universal source has great things in mind for us, bigger and better things that we could conceive or dream for ourselves.

I know, I know.  That sounds close to impossible, to let go of “how” things will show up, but the truth is that it is necessary,  especially  for some of us who try to “control” the outcomes in all aspects of their lives.  But here’s the rub: controling outcomes comes fear: fear that what we want will never happen, or fear that the worst will happen ( that the shoe will keep on dropping) or that we won’t receive what we truly yearn for.  The truth of the matter is that the Universe wants what is best for us, and in every aspext of our lives: health, wealth, self-expression and abundance.

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But we block all of this magical flow by:


-creating barriers

-self sabotaging ourselves with our negative & fearful thoughts. We cut the Universal flow by pushing, doubting, getting “too” involved. It’s as though we scare away the favourable outcomes and many times and in many ways, we do.  We then go against the natural laws of the universal flow.

Hey, I understand.  I’ve been there, many times in fact and I can confirm that controlling anything leads to failure, disappointment, and often, loss.

So how do you let go of the “how”? You set intentions and then you just let them go.   You then see what comes back…or not. You learn to work with the universal flow and not against it. You trust that what is meant for you, will come easily and efforttlessly… If it doesn’t, it was NOT meant for you.

End of story.

And you follow all the signs.

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The signs are EVERYWHERE.

But most of all, you trust and you EXPECT things to woork out for the best. Without failures or problems.  It takes patience and a load of self belief to reach that place of trust and surrender, but this is the space where miracles happen, daily

It’s an ongoing journey, to come back to yourself, to trust the signs, to ferociously believe in yourself and know that we are always guided and protected.

I’m here to confirm that we are always guided.  The Universe always sends help our way, in all aspects of our lives. As I write this, I just came home after running errands and ran into two peole who are keen to promote my books and my work.  I also received tons of nature signs through animal symbolism ( butterflies and deer) that are pushing me to move beyoind fears and to going on my life path and mission.  Happily, I also received unexpected income from the sale of some books and a lovely gift.

We are constantly being poked into action.

We must leran to listen and pay attention, if only for a glittering moment.

And then we must learn to just let it all go. Follow the breadcrumbs towards the light….

And leran to let things simmer, just like a hearty stew on a cold fall day.

Or just like a soufflé.  You never open the oven until it’s ready, right?  You just keep anticipating the joys of tasting it.

Believe and trust.

And don’t waste time thinking about it nor talking about it either. Keep it in the secret chamber of your heart.

Act as though it is the furtherest from your mind.

Associate with the feeling of receiving your gift. And just stay there. Be still, and it will come to you in due time and in all of its glory.

This is the most important part of manifesting.

And the hardest….

Be still and know that it is coming to you, beautiful soul.

It usually comes when you are feeling calm

The expansion of your soul and the gifts that accompany this process.

It will soon be your time to receive.

And so it is.