Image found via Ecocult
Hello again. It’s been a while since I last posted anything on a blog…but I’m thrilled to be back!
I missed blogging dearly but I took a step back. Since I last posted on a blog, I have set my course on a new journey and transformed myself from the inside out. I published a few novels, began meditation and a regular yoga practice that has changed my life. I also upgraded my eating habits, which lead to optimum health, happiness, and serenity. My life is still a work-in-progress and every day I try to take better care of myself. This has led to a deeper concern for the planet too. She needs our attention now more than ever.
I’ve learned to scale back on a lot of things, including shopping for clothes and buying junk. I took note of destructive patterns where I was trying to fill a void by purchasing things I didn’t need. I’ve also learned the art of focusing on what’s meaningful and important.
My former blog, Pink Lemonade, was girly and a bit frivolous. It was about images and things that inspired me visually but the truth is that was mostly about stuff: shoes, handbags, and “pretty” things.
I’m ready to get real. To go deep. Because we’re in the middle of transformative times. And although an upgrade in consciousness can be exhilarating, it can also be very challenging. Can you feel the energy evolving around us?
Yogi Bhajan, a renowned mystic and a great Kundalini teacher once said ( in connection with the 5 sutras of the Aquarian Age): “When the time is on you, start and the pressure will be off.” He was referring to the inner pull we may feel deep in our gut during these times to take concrete steps to heal the world in our own way. To contribute to this evolving new world.
This blog is my new beginning. This is my baby steps.
Thank you for following along.
I’m very grateful.