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The Critical Importance of Following your Intuition

Other than writing fiction, two of my biggest passions are fashion and spirituality.  I’ve always loved clothes, ever since I was a child.  In fact, most of my novels revolve around fashion and discuss some of the thorny issues affecting the industry.   And most of my characters evolve in some kind of spiritual way on an inner level. Why? The simple answer is that this reflects my own personal journey and that’s just the way I roll.

Other than writing fiction, two of my biggest passions are fashion and spirituality.  I’ve always loved clothes, ever since I was a child.  In fact, most of my novels revolve around fashion and discuss some of the thorny issues affecting the industry.   And most of my characters evolve in some kind of spiritual way on an inner level. Why? The simple answer is that this reflects my own personal journey and that’s just the way I roll.

Last January, I attended an amazing retreat hosted by the Numinous, a group of  powerful spiritual babes and, in addition to some powerful meditation sessions that were meant to launch us into the new year with badassery and gusto, I discovered the power of breathwork  thanks to Betsey Lefea and Erin Telford.   These sessions unblocked some chakras that had been blocked for a very long time. We also got our astrological chart done, (where I discovered that I have my moon in cancer, yikes!)  Finally,  Lindsay Mack, author of Tarot for the Wild Soul ( her podcast is a must!)  gave us a lesson on how to read the cards. This was quite a treat.

Not only did I love learning about the tarot cards, I began a secret love affair with all things tarot. The cards, the imagery, the Tarot readers’ YouTube pages ( where I discovered talented intuitive people.) I even purchased two decks, including a gorgeous vintage deck of Tarot with fairy illustations. The cards are so beautiful, they’re divine works of art and I’ve been experimenting with the cards since.   Essentially, Tarot is another tool to help us connect with our Higher Selves and with our intuition.

According to this article in the New York Times, Tarot has exploded in recent years. Imagine my pleasant surprise to discover that Dior recently launched a bag collection inspired by the Motherpiece Tarot, a deck considered more feminist than others.   Dior holds a special place in my books, and one of the reasons I like to give is that the designer’s career was initially launched by a psychic and truth be old, mine too.  And then, much to my amazement, I find out that he had his tarot cards read before every runway show.   Christian Dior and I, soul twins.

The reason I’m sharing this is that during our session with Lindsay mack, it came to light that 2018 is the year of the High Priestess tarot card and also is an eleven year in numerology, both symbols representing our intuition, that deep inner knowing.

So we are being guided to follow the messages that are coming up from our Soul, and pay close attention to them, no matter our outer circumstances or the outer circumstances happening in the world right now.    If we do not, according to Lindsay, our world may be shaken and may come crashing down around us, either through a job loss, disease, divorce, etc.

This is also part of the teachings of many spiritual mystics, including Yogi Bhajan and Sri Aurobindo, who considered that the answers to all life’s questions come from inside of us. All beings are united in that One Self and Spirit and it is possible by a certain discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all.

The bottom line is that DEEP DOWN,  we just KNOW.

We KNOW if we’re are on the right CAREER PATH or not.

If we are executing our Soul’s mission or NOT, living with the right circumstances,  in the right apartment and in the right city.   We just have a deep inner KNOWING.

In his best selling book The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav explains that our personality is here to be at the service of our Soul.   If it doesn’t act accordingly, things go haywire. We develop addictions. We lose our inner power , and we live a life of illusions.

There are many tools available to us in order to connect with our intuition; meditation, yoga, spending time in nature. It is such moments of quietness that the messages of our soul bubble to the surface wanting to be heard.

As we move closer toward the Aquarian Age, the new age of Light, many people are suffering. Why? Because they are simply not listening. They’re blocking out those messages, acting out, trying to hold on to external power, to addictions, which is only an illusion. And will only lead to pain.  I should know, I’ve been there.  But although still a work in progress, I’ve learned to move past it.

Because the only TRUE power resides deep within ourselves. And it’s time to listen up.

Sharing below The Radiant Self-Love Meditation by Erin Telford. The music is divine and it will help you connect with your own divinity.  Hope you enjoy connecting. Your true Self has been waiting for this glorious moment.

