Happy Easter! Happy (inner)-resurrection!

Today is a great day filled with much meaning and sybolism. We are celebrating the rebirth of Christ, and more specifically the re-birth of the Christ within ourselves.

On a personal note, I have been going through my own personal resurrection, on the path of spiritual awakening, letting go of the past and dark emotions, clouds, and resentments that were blocking my heart. Those of us on the awakening journey are emerging, and upgrading into higher versions of ourselves, a beautiful process of becoming. Just like a chick cracking its egg, it may feel shaky, uncertain and a bit scary at times, but this upgraded version of ourselves is the higher version.

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Healing Myself and the Planet

Once upon a time, I believed happiness came from buying things.  Shiny, designer things; expensive or not so expensive things.  I bought into the old notion of “she who dies with the most toys wins.”  I even had a T-shirt with that inscription on it back in the 80s.   I thought owning stuff gave me a sense of importance and self-esteem.
I shopped till I dropped, and although I did feel that sense of exhilaration when walking out of the stores with tons of bags, that high soon dissipated and left me feeling empty. This led to a painful cycle and downward spiral of always wanting to buy more.  I even chose a career path ( corporate law) that in some ways enabled me to become a compulsive shopper. The harder I worked, the more clothes and shoes I could stuff into my closet. I was living like Robin Sharma before he became the Monk who sold his Ferrari.

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