Once upon a time, I believed happiness came from buying things. Shiny, designer things; expensive or not so expensive things. I bought into the old notion of “she who dies with the most toys wins.” I even had a T-shirt with that inscription on it back in the 80s. I thought owning stuff gave me a sense of importance and self-esteem.
I shopped till I dropped, and although I did feel that sense of exhilaration when walking out of the stores with tons of bags, that high soon dissipated and left me feeling empty. This led to a painful cycle and downward spiral of always wanting to buy more. I even chose a career path ( corporate law) that in some ways enabled me to become a compulsive shopper. The harder I worked, the more clothes and shoes I could stuff into my closet. I was living like Robin Sharma before he became the Monk who sold his Ferrari.
Thrilled to be Back
Image found via Ecocult
Hello again. It’s been a while since I last posted anything on a blog…but I’m thrilled to be back!
I missed blogging dearly but I took a step back. Since I last posted on a blog, I have set my course on a new journey and transformed myself from the inside out. I published a few novels, began meditation and a regular yoga practice that has changed my life. I also upgraded my eating habits, which lead to optimum health, happiness, and serenity. My life is still a work-in-progress and every day I try to take better care of myself. This has led to a deeper concern for the planet too. She needs our attention now more than ever.