10 things I gave up in 2020 To Protect The Planet

This past year has been quite the year.

A time of tremendous change, turbulence, and a year to reflect on our own truth, priorities and values.  I’ve been reading, painting, writing….oh, and completed another massive closet purge and clean-out. Ahhhh, it felt sooooo good.

I’ve written about this before on this blog, but it bears repeating again: I’ve given up the fashionista and shopaholic life for a more reasonable and conscious existence.   They say that we come here to teach what we had to learn and what we had to heal…For me, it was to become more concious, because for a long time, I wasn’t. I bought all kinds of stuff and junk to prove I was somebody and to show my self-worth.

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An interview with Melanie Trevett

I first met Melanie Trevett at a fabulous party in Montreal. It was one of those fabulous evenings that you’re invited to once in a blue moon.  It was a Gatsby-esque night in many ways, with champagne flowing and profesional dancers swaying beneath the moonlight.

It was indeed a wonderful night, especially since I got to spend the evening chatting and dancing with Melanie,  a UK fashion entrepreneur and kindred soul.

J’ai rencontré Mélanie Trevett pour la première fois lors d’une fabuleuse soirée à Montréal il y a quelques années.  C’était une nuit Gatsby-esque à bien des égards, avec du champagne coulant à flot sous le clair de lune.  Ce fut une merveilleuse soirée, d’autant plus que j’ai pu passer celle-ci à bavarder et à danser avec Melanie, une entrepreneure britannique et une âme sœur.

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The Ocean Cleanup: Sunglasses Made From Recycled Ocean Plastic

Okay, it’s official, I’m in LOVE…With a pair sunglasses.. But not just any pair…This pair of sunglasses is on a mission: to clean up the oceans, no small feat, that’s for sure.

Early last year, I came across an article about the Ocean Clean Up and it piqued my curiosity. It’s a  non-profit organization developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. It is designing very clever technologies to accopmplish this.

And so this week, it has launched an amazing new product: a super cool looking par of sunglasses made entirely from recycled pastic. They’re sooo attractive and well thought out. I’m loving everything detail about them.

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Wear Conference: Eco-Fashion Where Purpose Meets Progress

I’m thrilled to share my latest podcast interview with Kelly Drennan, Executive Director of Fashion Takes Action, an NGO based in Toronto.  Most importantly, on Monday, the 6th annual World Ethical Apparel Roundtable (WEAR) will be taking place in Toronto! WEAR is the only Canadian produced conference that address sustainability in the fashion industry and that brings together local brands, retailers and fashion players with global experts and thought leaders therefore making it an impactful event.

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Parley For The Oceans Collaborates with Big Names in Fashion

According to Avaaz, the international non-profit organization, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.
This should give us all pause for concern. Major pause. Major concern. And a desire for immediate action.
This week, Stella McCartney announced a partnership with Parley for the Oceans, an organization committed to fighting marine plastic pollution. McCartney will use Parley materials in lieu of recycled polyester.
I have long admired Stella McCartney and her strong desire to protect the environment and the world’s animals as well as her non-use of leather materials to create her line of vegan accessories.   This fresh collaboration is in line with her committment to protect the planet and I look forward to tlaunchuch of this new collection in July 2017.

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Thrilled to be Back

Image found via Ecocult
Hello again.   It’s been a while since I last posted anything on a blog…but I’m thrilled to be back!
I missed blogging dearly but I took a step back. Since I last posted on a blog, I have set my course on a new journey and transformed myself from the inside out.   I published a few novels, began meditation and a regular yoga practice that has changed my life.  I also upgraded my eating habits, which lead to optimum health, happiness, and serenity.  My life is still a work-in-progress and every day I try to take better care of myself.  This has led to a deeper concern for the planet too.  She needs our attention now more than ever.

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