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Shopping with the Universe

Through many life lessons on my spiritual awakening journey, I’ve developed a strong faith that the Universe always brings us what we need. It may not be what we think we want, but it’s what we need for our soul’s growth and evolution. The presence of a benevolent Universe includes all aspects of life, including shopping. Because let’s face it, we’re human and although we may decide to choose a more minimalist lifestyle, we all need stuff: to eat, to wear, to work, etc….and in the last few months, I’ve discovered the notion of shopping with God. I know it might sound a little surprising, but stick with me on this…

Through many life lessons on my spiritual awakening journey, I’ve developed a strong faith that the Universe always brings us what we need. It may not be what we think we want, but it’s what we need for our soul’s growth and evolution.

The presence of a benevolent Universe includes all aspects of life, including shopping. Because let’s face it, we’re human and although we may decide to choose a more minimalist lifestyle, we all need stuff: to eat, to wear, to work, etc….and in the last few months, I’ve discovered the notion of shopping with God. I know it might sound a little surprising, but stick with me on this…

A few years ago, I came across the book Outrageous Openness by author Tosha Silver. It’s truly an amazing book and I read passages from it pretty much every day. There’s a chapter in her book entitled Shopping with God and this concept really resonated with me. In her book, she also mentions the fact that we should never expect to be doing anything in this world without divine assistance, whether it be shopping for food, for clothing, for a car, writing a book, etc. No matter what it is that we’re looking to accomplish, the divine is always around the corner looking to assist ( and surprise!) us, even in the smallest of details. And to be honest, that’s where we should find the most satisfaction and joy: in the little things, including unexpected sales and finding the perfect item….for you.

To illustrate this concept, I recently found an object that was very near and dear to my heart by following the clues and breadcrumbs left behind by the universe. I was looking for a small figurine of Lord Ganesh to put on my payer mantle. I wanted something that was small and just the right size for my sacred space. I began looking online but couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I just let it go.

Image via Etsy

A few weeks later, I was traveling to the city to sell a piece of rattan furniture ( with the symbol of an elephant ) to a woman who bought it online. 

As soon as I delivered it to her, she said: “I’m really happy that I found this because I’ve travelled to India many times and I’m a huge fan of Ganesh.” Immediately, I knew this was a clue for me. As I was driving back from her place, I noticed a store where they were selling figurines of gods & goddesses. After I delivered the piece of furniture, I called them and I asked them if they had Ganesh figurines and they said, “Yes, we do. But we also have some at another location and we think you might have even more success at that other location.” The crazy part? I was on my way to that area to visit my brother, so I knew that the clues were really lining up for me. Instinctively, I felt that I was going to find my Ganesh figurine there. As I drove to the store on a very busy street, there was a parking space right in front of the store….waiting for me. God in the details, as they say. Seemless & flawless synchronicity.

When I walked into the store, there was this giant disco ball, right at the entrance. AS some of you may know I’m a huge disco fan so this was very meaningful for me. The salesperson showed me where the Ganesh figurines were. I started looking at them and feeling them, just see where the highest vibration was. As it turned out, I found my Ganesh figurine in the size I was looking for. It looks beautiful next to my tarot cards and crystals. I didn’t choose the most expensive one, I chose the one that had the highest vibrations in my hands. God is always around us in every instance in our lives. 

So whether you’re looking for a figurine, a new car, apartment, whatever it is that you need in your life to move forward on your path, the universe will always bring you what you need….through clues. So be open to the divine guidance and know that the universe doesn’t always want you to spend the most money, so ask for a good deal or ask for a bargain! You will find what you’re looking for at the right price. And if it’s too good to be true, that means that it is for you. Believe that it can be too good to be true. If you’re looking for a new car and you get this amazing bargain, believe that it can be! If you get an amazing job offer at an incredible salary you weren’t expecting, believe that that is for you!

You are worthy of receiving gifts, abundance and surprises! Every instant of your life, whether it be through work, shopping, and no matter what the circumstances… Expect the unexpected! If you open yourself to the magic of the Universe, you will be treated with magic at every instant.

So that’s my shopping story. I hope it speaks to you and I hope it encourages you to follow the crumbs, follow the leads and to believe in divine guidance, divine intelligence, divine order in every sphere of your life. It is always there for you….if you believe it.

Image via Tumblr