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How Yoga Changed My Life

The day I finally rolled out my yoga mat five years ago, my life changed for the better. Unlike the other times in my life I had given yoga a try, this time I became hooked for real. The timing was right and the circumstances were ideal.   The Satya Yoga studio was utterly charming with bucolic views of surrounding mountains and greenery; our teacher, Rachelle, was a masterful yogi with energy I quickly connected to, and I needed something to soothe my nervous system and calm my anxious mind. Now that I practice yoga regularly four to five times a week, I honestly have no clue how I ever managed to function as a human being without it.
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Cold weather skin & hair products / Produits de beauté pour le temps froid

This week was our first snowfall here, always a beautiful moment. There's no doubt that our skin and hair is affected by the colder weather: indoor heating, cold winds and hats. So what are we to do?
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Symbolisme: Ma Rencontre avec les Mes-Anges

Ce matin, j’ai retrouvé un livre dans ma bibliothèque intitulé The Edge of Wonder. Le mot wonder = émerveillement m’a fait penser à toutes ces merveilles qui existent et ce à chaque instant.
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Ethical & ecological ways to wear animal prints

So....have you heard of the recent fashion controversy?  Celebrities and socialites wearing designer dresses with replicas of animal heads that look like hunting trophies. I was going to share a photo here but decided against it. Too creepy for my taste! I have nothing against animal prints. They can be fun to wear, empowering even.
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