Tips to Live a Flow Based Life
“Once you believe in yourself
and see your soul as divine and precious,
you'll automatically be converted
to a being who can create miracles.”
― Wayne Dyer
Living a flow based life, i.e. in the flow, in the truest sense of the word isn't simple. But it is immensely rewarding, reduces stress and anxiety and is the ultimate secret to success.
It requires a tremendous amount of going within, faith and trust in the infinite intelligence and abundance of ALL THINGS aka, the Universe.
How cleaning my closets + helping others = empowerment
I was recently asked to participate in a local fashion event called Reluxe.
Organized by two thoughtful, and spiritually awake Montreal powerhouses, Ody Giroux and Isabelle Ethier, the second edition of this event was meant to raise money for a women's shelter, Le Chaînon, by selling second-hand luxury clothing and accessories during a cocktail party.
The Reluxe team managed to raise $25,000 in one night, a major exploit.
Healing Myself and the Planet
Once upon a time, I believed happiness came from buying things. Shiny, designer things; expensive or not so expensive things. I bought into the old notion of "she who dies with the most toys wins." I even had a T-shirt with that inscription on it back in the 80s. I thought owning stuff gave me a sense of importance and self-esteem.
I shopped till I dropped, and although I did feel that sense of exhilaration when walking out of the stores with tons of bags, that high soon dissipated and left me feeling empty. This led to a painful cycle and downward spiral of always wanting to buy more. I even chose a career path ( corporate law) that in some ways enabled me to become a compulsive shopper. The harder I worked, the more clothes and shoes I could stuff into my closet. I was living like Robin Sharma before he became the Monk who sold his Ferrari.
Why Cutting Back on Buying Stuff is Good for the Planet and the Soul
"In everything, simplicity is the key to trusteeship. A simple life conserves not just our personal resources but the earth’s." Eknath Easwaran
We all need things, including some clothes to wear and, if we’re lucky, some fun outfits to feel good in. And who doesn’t enjoy getting a new pair of shoes? It’s just fun and good for the spirit, especially at this time of year when those of us in the northeast are dying for some pastel colors, vitamins, and sunshine. Give me some pinks, yellows, and some rainbows.
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