There’s a book that is radically changing my life: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. I had come across this book years ago and had gone through it quickly, without really reading it.
I’ve now taken the time to really study these laws to put them into practice in my own life. And they truly are changing things for the better…
These 7 spiritual laws ( see below for more details) are giving me the chance to finally relax, to breathe into my very essence and in that moment of total relaxation, to allow things to unfold. It’s when we allow the universe to work through us, that it brings miracles and magical & gifts.

The first law is the law of pure potentiality. This is the one I needed to read about the most. The author explains that we should all give ourselves the permission to just be. Just be? Whoa, that’s a new way of being for a former A-Type personality like me!
He encourages us to spend time in silence with ourselves and not always be striving and pushing to move things forward.
That was the way I used to be.
As a former corporate lawyer, I was always busy busy bysy doing,doing, doing, trying to push matters forward and to force things. Even most recently as an author of novels, I was constantly exhausting myself, trying to make things happen and that is counter-productive.
“The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift. That is why this moment is called ‘the present.” Deepak Chopra
It’s crucial to just be with ourselves, and listen to our intuition. To turn off the television, shut off the radio, and step away from the computer and the whirlwind of social media. To just be pure potentiality with our higher selves and see what kind of messages pop up for us. I know for me, that’s when I find inspiration for my books and it’s where I find inner peace.

The second law is the law of giving and receiving. I’ve spoken about this before on my YouTube channel. What you give out is what you receive back. Always. Also, according to this law, when we hoard resources, we don’t allow the universe any space to bring us more. Also, if you can give some of your time and ressources to help others, according to the law, it will be returned back to you. Know that even sharing a smile can go a long way to make a stranger fell better.
The third law is the law of karma. You reap what you sow. As a result, it’s super important to be careful about what decisions you make in your business and in personal life, because it always comes back to you, like a boomerang. We must choose wisely.
The next law is the law of intention, which is related to the law of attraction. When you set an intention to do something, or desire something, the universe always responds….But…you must give the Universe time and space for things to unfold in their own time. It’s crucial to avoid trying to control things… and to accept a period of uncertainty. Isn’t that what we’re all going through right now? Also, if something doesn’t work out in your life, whether it be a job, a relationship, or a project, just know that there’s a good reason for it, and there’s something better waiting for you!

The next law is the law of detachment. That’s a challenging one! Sometimes we want to control the outcome of things, but it’s the worst thing we can possibly do. It’s like signaling to the Universe that you mistrust it. If you detach from the outcome, things will flow. You must allow things and situations to just be, which allows things to unfold in their own time. Maybe you’re waiting for some news about a job, a business opportunity and it’s taking longer than you thought….I get it… Just relax, know that if it’s meant for you, it will come.
The last spiritual law of success is the law of Dharma. The law which says that we all have a calling: a life purpose. It’s something that I’m very passionate about because I love helping people get aligned with their own life mission. I consider it my mission to help you find yours.
Once you uncover what that mission is and why did you came here at this time of great change, doors open for you and you will reach bliss. It’s important to listen to your intuition and follow the steps that you’re guided to take in order to help humanity transition to the light at this time. You came here to shine and help others do the same.
This book is having a huge impact on my life. It’s allowed me to chill out, take some time for me and just be.
In this time of great transformation and change, I hope you will do the same.