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Shopping with the Universe

Through many life lessons on my spiritual awakening journey, I've developed a strong faith that the Universe always brings us what we need. It may not be what we think we want, but it's what we need for our soul's growth and evolution. The presence of a benevolent Universe includes all aspects of life, including shopping. Because let's face it, we're human and although we may decide to choose a more minimalist lifestyle, we all need stuff: to eat, to wear, to work, etc....and in the last few months, I've discovered the notion of shopping with God. I know it might sound a little surprising, but stick with me on this...
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Summer Challenge! Shop Second hand for the planet

So... summer is officially here! After an intense Spring season filled with a roller coaster of news, unprecedented change, upheaval, and discomfort, let's face it, we're all ready to spend time outdoors, breathe, play, and visit with friends ( if you can) and wear some COLOR! We will all benefit from some levity and wearing some colourful clothes, summer dresses and keeping things light. One go the things I wish to accomplish with creating this blog is helping to slow down the pollution and  detrimental effets the world's excessive consumption has on our beautiful planet.
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The end of our ( consumer obsessed) world as we know it

Have you felt as though we’re facing the end of the world? Of a life as we know it? To be honest, in many ways, it is the end of the world as we knew it. The end of a long cycle of destroying our planet by over-indulging in consumption, distracting ourselves through excessive travel, shopping and vapid entertainment. The world is coming full circle, into more harmony and into balance. But in order to truly achieve this, things, habits and ways of living need to fall away.
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Gorgeous Colorful Eco Fashion Finds

Gorgeous Colorful Eco Fashion Finds
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