The month of January zoomed by and here we are, mid-February. As we continue to face some limitations and lockdowns here in Canada, I’ve found myself looking more closely at my consumption habits. In moments of boredom, I found myself wanting to buy new things online and if I’m totally honest, these were all things I didn’t need nor really wanted. They were just a passing fancy…something to do to pass time.
I know this is my my shoping addiction rearing its head when I feel bored, stressed out, anxious, or isolated and lonely…
What about you? Have you faced this kind of temptation too?
I’ve asked myself the difficult questions: why do I feel bored? And why the constant need for novelty? I’ve been thinking about what all this means.
Boredom is a flight from your higher potential. It is fear of the transformation that wants to occur, and will occur in you, when you explore your emotions. It is your resistance to spiritual growth.” Gary Zukav
In my case, I know where it comes from. The exhilaration of wearing something new can temporarily feel exciting…but it quickly wears off (especially on the planet.) Shopping also makes me feel loved, a rememberance from my childhood when my family would go shopping together.
On a more positive note, clothing has always been a fun way to play with my creativity and show my personality. I love to wear bold colours, like pink, orange and yellow, colours that bring me joy.
Rather than buying a whole new wardrobe, I’ve been actively cleaning out my closet, making place for what wants to come in, especially for Spring. As spiritual teacher Tosha Silver explains in her book It’s Not Your Money, cleaning helps to create space to atttact opportunities and more abundance. This is based on the law of circulation and other sacred texts. I’ve found this to be true. Cleaning allows for the movement of stagnant and low vibrational energy.
And after cleaning things out, I have found that I no longer wish to fill that empty space with clutter. I just want to keep the space bare and spacious and filled good vibrations. I want to keep things light.
So instead of ordering stuff after cleaning out my closets (and my mind), I’ve decided to shop my closet. Starting today, if I do need or wish for anything, I’m committed to only buying clothes that are sustainable, vintage, second hand, made by hand and with LOVE.
Who will join me in this challenge?
I’ll be posting some of my sustainable & recycled finds on my Instagram page.
See you there!

Images via Tumblr