Hello and happy new year!
I just love the peace and serenity that January brings. As a I write this, a gentle snow falls outside my windows, enveloping and swathing the land with beautiful and cozy light, a cocoon of comfort and peace.
For me, January is about:
☆ wiping the slate clean;
☆ a fresh new start;
☆ brilliant possibilities;
☆ new chances;
☆ making some dreams manifest;
☆ and asking some tough questions about the past year:
For example, where did I drop the ball and how can I pick up the pieces again?
In numerology, 2018 was a number 2 year, laying the groundwork for building more solid foundations for ourselves. If like me, you found some cracks in those foundations, the Universe did a remarkable job in letting you know. I learned some hard lessons about self-love, the power of my thoughts and emotions, discipline, my relationships to others, and, most importantly, my relationship to myself.
I had to take refuge within to take a closer look at my patterns. To get in touch with my soul and spirit to see how I was being and living the WRONG way.
I read many books and listened many healers online. I became obsessed with YouTube tarot readers and intuitives. I became a sponge, taking it all in, wanting to digest it and learn it and understand it. Mostly, I wanted to be transformed by it.
Until it FINALLY dawned on me. Our external world really is a refelection of our INNER being. All of it. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Our thoughts and emotions dictate what we bring into our lives, and so do our patterns and limiting beliefs. This is why it is SO crucial to see them and weed them out in our to bring in the glorious expansion that we crave.
In her amazing book, Into the Light, Shakti Gawain explains this concept with much clarity.
If you feel abundant—you will see abundance all around you. Conversely, if you feel lack, that is what you will attract.
If you feel joy, you will attract joyous circumstances.
If you feed and nourish yourself with attention and self-care, this is what you will receive in return.
If you set boundaries, others will respect them and respect YOU.
If you believe in yourself and what you put out in the world. The Unviverse will serve it to you, on a silver platter.
If you feel love and that you deserve love, you will receive it in return.
It may sound simple, but it isn’t always the case. It requires tremedous commitment and consistency and patience to re-align with the truth.
It is not enough to find your passion. You must dive straight into the fire of your fear where you grab it and hold it until it transforms you. ✬ Terri St.Cloud
After going inside last year, I’ve been called to change the direction of this blog, at least to a certain extent. Although I’m still passionate about protecting the planet and eco-fashion and sustainability, a spiritual awakening is taking me elsewhere. To a magical and mystical place, a transformational journey of elevation, ascension, and light.
I feel the purpose of this blog to assist others on a similar journey. To share for those looking to shift, create and move in a different direction. I hope all this will truly resonate with you spirit.
Happy 2019. May this year bring you peace and alignment on your glorious path.
It is time. The world is waiting for you to take flight.
Much love and light,
Isabelle ☆