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Shopping with the Universe (Part 2)

In the last few years, I’ve given away or sold over 75% of my belongings, including clothes, books, home décor items, jewellery, paintings, and… lots of shoes. I sold many of these items on second hand shopping platforms such as Poshmark, Marketplace, Kijiji and EBay.

In the last few years, I’ve given away or sold over 75% of my belongings, including clothes, books, home décor items, jewellery, paintings, and… lots of shoes. I sold many of these items on second hand shopping platforms such as Poshmark, Marketplace, Kijiji and EBay.

It hasn’t always been easy to part with cherished things, but I know it’s for the best, especially knowing that someone else it will enjoy them and that it’s a natural part of spiritual law; as giving allows for more receiving.

I followed the life changing advice of Marie Kondo and kept only the treasures & things that bring me joy, true happiness or that I truly need.

I also followed the advice of Tosha’s Silver’s terrific book: It’s Not Your Money, where she provides spiritual tips & advice for attracting abundance, which includes clearing and cleaning out stuff that’s no longer useful or in harmony with your vibration oe essence. I have written about this in my own book Splendeur and I’ve also read many other spiritual books about the importance of cleaning, including Florence Scovel Shinn, the renowned metaphysician who wrote The Game of Life and How to Win It.

In her amazing book, Scovel Shinn writes about the law of circulation and how we must let things “circulate”, ie. sell or donate the things we no longer use or need, as this clears and lightens the energy around us and allows for greater blessings to come. She wrote of a woman who hoarded necklaces that she no longer wore for decades, and who ended up suffering greatly because of it. Who needs that, right?

According to a friend with psychic gifts, I was a collector of refined objects in a past life so this may explain why it’s not so easy for a former shopping addict like me to give away or sell things. But I’m getting much better at it, learning to cut ties with stuff that I don’t need and to practice the principle of non-attachment. As they say, it’s a process. The load is getting much lighter and as a result, so is my spirit.

In recent years, I’ve learned to love people, not things. I’ve learned about the joys of spaciousness in my closet and the thrill of seeing empty hangers. I’ve also seen the joys associated with reduced spending and saving for more worthwhile purchases.

Last week, however, I woke up with the realization that I had no more fun summer shoes. They were all gone!

I spoke the word to my spirit guides and asked for a special find. I headed off to Value Village, a large Canadian thrift store chain, and found the most amazing pair of shoes for a bargain. Also, imagine my surprise when I saw the “name” of the shoe: the ISABEL shoe!

Shoes: Value Village
Image via Value Village

It was destiny, a gift from above. Thank you spirit guides & Value Village. I will wear them with joy, pride and much happiness!

Image via BellaWolf & Redbubble

I hope that you too will find the energy, courage, and desire to clear out your space. Expect many, many blessings after you do!