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5 Eco-Fashion Tips That Can Turn The Planet Around

Version Française ci-bas   I came across a post on social media
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Signs your manifestation is on its way!

Manifesting is a hot topic. That's because we're always manifesting in every moment with our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. So how can you tell that what you're trying to manifest is on its way? Just to recap, manifestation is about asking, believing and receiving.
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Shopping with the Universe

Through many life lessons on my spiritual awakening journey, I've developed a strong faith that the Universe always brings us what we need. It may not be what we think we want, but it's what we need for our soul's growth and evolution. The presence of a benevolent Universe includes all aspects of life, including shopping. Because let's face it, we're human and although we may decide to choose a more minimalist lifestyle, we all need stuff: to eat, to wear, to work, etc....and in the last few months, I've discovered the notion of shopping with God. I know it might sound a little surprising, but stick with me on this...
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Entrevue avec Chantal Durivage, Vente Reluxe ( Français)

Il y a quelques années, une amie me parle de la vente Reluxe au bénéfice de la maison du Chaînon. À l'époque,  j'étais un peu moins friande d'acheter des vêtements seconde main, car je n'avais pas encore compris les bienfaits pour la planète! Mais je suis tout de même allée offrir mon appui et surtout pour laisser aller quelques morceaux que je ne portais plus. Ce fut pour moi le début d'une merveilleuse aventure! Non seulement j'ai trouvé des morceaux originaux et superbes, ce fut le début d'une nouvelle façon de consommer. Grâce à Reluxe, j'ai comencé à acheter principalement du seconde main et à encourager davantage les designers locaux.
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